Siddharth Shetty

Unveiling a Close Encounter with Online Scammers: A Cautionary Tale

Embark on a cautionary journey as we delve into Sri’s firsthand experience with online scammers. From stumbling upon a dubious saree website to a treacherous phone call, Sri narrowly escapes falling prey to their deceptive tactics. Join us in uncovering the unsettling methods employed by these fraudsters and learn valuable lessons to safeguard yourself against similar scams. Together, let’s raise awareness and fight back against cybercrime.

How candles will help you be not fooled by news anchors and data! – Part 2

Candle stick chart explanation blog in just 5 minutes

I’d like to thank you all for the positive feedback I’ve received for part 1 of this post. If you haven’t read it you can read it here. In this part we’re going to learn how to you can even understand from “nothing”. Learn what are candle additions. See examples in real life stock charts. […]

How candles will help you be not fooled by news anchors and data! – Part 1

Candle stick chart explanation blog in just 5 minutes

How can a scented lavender candle help you do that. Well you see that’s not the candle I’m talking about. What you’ll learn below is what a Japanese candlestick is. Why it is used to represent data and How you can convey 5x more data in the same graph. Humans are by design visual learners. […]

About Life, Learning, Finance, Travel, Books and Health

In my first ever Blog post I want to tell you a little about who I am, what you can expect to get out of this and why this should be worth your time. Who am I? – I’m a super-curious learner of things, My current obsessions include Mental Peace 💆🏻‍♂️, health ♥, finance 📈, […]